I live in the country with the most expensive Apple products on the planet. Here's what it is like in here vaghetti.dev
How did everyone's YouTube recommendations get so eerily specific? vaghetti.dev
The perils of the “real” client IP adam-p.ca
From Wordle to Nerdle royvanrijn
announcing zephyr-copilot see shy jo
Minify and Gzip blog.wesleyac.com
The scary state of IPv6 rate-limiting adam-p.ca
How to reset the USB stack on Linux blog.wesleyac.com
Git Submodule vs Subtree adam-p.ca
Google Search Is Dying dkb.io
SNES Development Part 4: NMIs and vblank blog.wesleyac.com
SNES Development Part 5: DMA blog.wesleyac.com
SNES Development Part 6: Sprites blog.wesleyac.com
How To Read A Book dkb.io
How I fell in love with low-js Andraž Bajt's blog
Make Free Stuff mxb.dev
Tailwind CSS vs Pico CSS Andraž Bajt's blog
Diving into Go's HTTP server timeouts adam-p.ca
An algorithm for Wordle royvanrijn
The Gift of It's Your Problem Now apenwarr
Divide by three using shift and add royvanrijn
Speed is a feature; thoughts on modern web performance Andraž Bajt's blog
Hex grid in single integer royvanrijn
Trying Out Remix Andraž Bajt's blog
Log4Shell / Leak4J royvanrijn
100 years of whatever this will be apenwarr
Spiral Music Visualization using Teensy or Python Tinkerings
10 years of... whatever this has been apenwarr
System76's Lemur Pro 10: A review gay robot noises
Announcing sub-rosa 1.0.0 gay robot noises