Worry-free broadcasts cristobal.space
Disabling the “title changed” light on Firefox pinned tabs iliana etaoin
(Re)Learning AWK with ChatGPT Andraž Bajt's blog
vore: a new rss feed reader j3s.sh
The undocumented Android change that led to aCropalypse was reported during the beta iliana etaoin
Presence detection, without compromising privacy craftyguy's blog
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the slink and a half boxed set see shy jo
How to make a pronouns field worse iliana etaoin
Things that are hard to measure, things that are easy to measure alexanderell.is
Adding a sense of urgency to negotiations Zeptonaut
In the desert, no service, and your partner's late to the rendezvous. What now? alexanderell.is
On meetings... craftyguy's blog
How employees can get burned in acquisitions Zeptonaut
FOSDEM 2023! craftyguy's blog
Getting people to care about what you're building Zeptonaut
How to find your blind spots Zeptonaut
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Annotated: Sam Bankman-Fried’s “FTX Pre-Mortem Overview” Molly White
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Livetweets of the December 13, 2022 House Financial Services Committee hearing on FTX Molly White
Don't believe the 'biological intelligence' hype gay robot noises
.io domains considered harmful j3s.sh
Storage Space PSA for Mastodon Admins blog.wesleyac.com
The IndieWeb for Everyone mxb.dev
Is web3 bullshit? (Transcript) Molly White
Practice being a beginner alexanderell.is
More Than a Password adam-p.ca