Is an Intel N100 a better value than a Raspberry Pi? Jeff Geerling
Photographs and phantoms
Tall Structures xkcd
AX, DX, UX Jim Nielsen's Blog
The Demoralization is just Beginning the singularity is nearer
Data Oriented Programming in Java: Chapter 7 Progress (Part II)
Yoke is really cool
Jonathan Chait The Universe of Discourse
Introducing: How to Program Good Mediocre Blog
JavaScript Fatigue Strikes Back
Windows 11 Arm VMs on a Raspberry Pi, with BVM Jeff Geerling
Moved ongoing
Can You Get Better Doing a Bad Job? Jim Nielsen's Blog
P&B: Marco Giancotti
Audience of one
WASM Wayland Web (WWW) see shy jo
Ludic's Guide To Getting Software Engineering Jobs Lucidity
Claude chokes on graph theory The Universe of Discourse
The cost of doing the right thing
Progress on Intel and Nvidia GPUs on Raspberry Pi Jeff Geerling
Obsessions Notes (by Rodrigo Ghedin)
Bayes is not a phase DYNOMIGHT
What the podcast industry gets wrong about YouTube
Saving screens F-Droid
Furniture Mecca The Universe of Discourse
Safari Cleanup ongoing
Project MINI RACK - what have we started?? Jeff Geerling
Limitations vs. Capabilities Jim Nielsen's Blog
Album Of The Week: Darkside Nothing Stereogum - Album of the Week
Cool RPG links from this week