I was a guest on Brodie Robertson's Tech Over Tea podcast TheFrenchGhosty's Blog
Speaking Freely dergigi.com
Enhancing Kobo with text-to-image generation and simple explanations Mendhak / Code
Solo TTRPGs that I like AndreGarzia.com
Basic Things matklad
Zig defer Patterns matklad
Talking about Django's history and future on Django Chat jacobian.org
A Lil' Website Refresh tomcritchlow.com
Fixing the Logitech Spotlight Matthias Ott
policy on adding AI generated content to my software projects see shy jo
Ambivalent about code linters Degrowther
Making Own Your Web More Sustainable Matthias Ott
How web bloat impacts users with slow devices danluu.com
Python question: argv in main()? Degrowther
Welcome to the IndieWeb Matthias Ott
Links Worth Sharing Matthias Ott
Blocking Advertisements on YouTube Feels so Good! Miscellaneous Stuff
Semantic AJAX-HTML ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's blog
How We Fund the Web Ecosystem bkardell.com
It shows what you need to believe sive.rs
So you've been reorg'd... jacobian.org
AI gives the news you need sive.rs
Estimating Software Projects: Breaking Down Tasks jacobian.org
How to learn JavaScript sive.rs
Doing ML Research: Gates Open, Come on In! bastian.rieck.me
Work is a Place tomcritchlow.com
Plants: the planting and eating thereof Degrowther
Bugs I’ve filed on browsers Read the Tea Leaves
Kafka versus Nabokov matklad
Video game matchmaking service: A case study comparing Rust/Tokio and Elixir/BEAM 0 of N Laforge